01. The disbursement of the total amount of the registration fee will be made in a single payment, being irrevocable and non-transferable, unless the Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS) is notified of the declination of the use of the registration fee at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the beginning of the event. Such notice must be submitted in writing and receive the corresponding confirmation of receipt by the CISS in order for the reimbursement request to be considered valid.


02. It is imperative for participants to cover at least seventy percent (70%) of the total scheduled sessions of the course in order to be eligible for the issuance of an official certificate of participation. This certificate will serve as formal recognition of attendance and compliance with the requirements established by the CISS. Compliance with this attendance threshold will be rigorously verified through the official attendance records maintained during the course.


Furthermore, it is emphasized that the aforementioned refund policy is strictly enforced and no exceptions will be made outside of the established period. Participants who do not meet the minimum percentage of attendance required, regardless of the reasons for their absences, will not be entitled to a certificate of participation, and any request for reconsideration will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, without any obligation to modify the established policies.


Additional Information 

Code of Conduct:

Respectful and inclusive behavior is expected of all participants during the course. No form of discrimination, harassment or inappropriate behavior will be tolerated, and any violations of this code of conduct will be handled with due seriousness and in accordance with course policies.


Intellectual Property and Confidentiality:

Materials provided during the course are copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed without the express prior written consent of the copyright holders. Participants may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement regarding sensitive or proprietary information shared during the course.



The CISS reserves the right to make modifications to the structure, content, or terms and conditions of the course as it deems necessary. Such modifications will be duly notified to the participants with reasonable notice.

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