agosto 20, 2024 - octubre 24, 2024
09:00 - 11:00

Virtual Course

Inclusion and reincorporation of people with disabilities into the workplace


Aug 20 - Oct 24

Inclusion and reincorporation of people with disabilities into the workplace

At the end of the course, students will be able to apply Article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities regarding the inclusion and reincorporation of persons with disabilities in the workplace.

Aug 20 - Oct 24 de 9:00 a 11:00 hrs. | 40 Hrs
Inclusion and reincorporation of people with disabilities into the workplace

DC CISS Membership USD

If you are an employee of one of our member institutions , you will have a special price to join the course.


DC Disability activists USD

If you are an employee of one of our member institutions , you will have a special price to join the course.


DC General public USD

If you are interested to join the course and you do not belong to the CISS membership nor being an activist, choose this price.


For deposits from Mexico in local currency (MXN) make the transfer to the following account:

Beneficiary: Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social
Account: 1159765824
CLABE: 072180011597658242


- DC CISS Membership MXN: 1,400 MXN
- DC Disability activists MXN: 1,600 MXN
- DC General public MXN: 1,900 MXN

Para depósitos desde México en Moneda Nacional (MXN) realiza la transferencia a la siguiente cuenta:

Beneficiario: Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social
Cuenta: 1159765824
CLABE: 072180011597658242


- DC CISS Membership MXN: 1,400 MXN
- DC Disability activists MXN: 1,600 MXN
- DC General public MXN: 1,900 MXN

Conferencia Magistral: Inclusión Laboral
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