The background of the Permanent Committee (PC) dates back to the meeting of the 1st Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS), held in September 1942, in Santiago, Chile, where, among other issues, the adoption of the ‘Statutes of the Inter-American Conference on Social Security’ was stablished. Thus, article 3 of the Statutes creates the Standing Committee to:
- Enforce resolutions and desires formulated at the Conference;
- Prepare the work of the sessions of the Conference and stablish the agenda of these sessions;
- Contribute in any other way to the Conference’s aims.
The committee is formed by the President and three Vice-Presidents of the Conference, the Coordinators of the five Sub-regions, a representative of the associate members and, if applicable, a representative of the affiliate and linked members. It has an ordinary session annually, and extraordinary sessions when summoned by the President.
It should be mentioned that, regardless of not being a part of the Committee, the Secretary-General of the Conference, the Comptroller and the Director of the Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies (CIESS) are present in the Committee’s sessions, all with the right to voice, but without vote.
The operation of the PC is regulated by the Statute of the CISS (articles 14-17), and by the Standing Committee Regulations.
In accordance with these provisions, the functions of the Permanent Committee include:
- To develop the norms and procedures necessary to execute the decisions of the General Assembly.
- To promote and coordinate the activities of the American Commissions on Social Security (CASS) and the Sub-regions.
- To maintain the relations of the CISS with its members, international organizations, institutions and organizations related to social security.
- To authorize the conclusion of agreements with international organizations, institutions and bodies related to social security and monitor compliance.
- To supervise compliance with the annual programs of the CISS bodies.
- To decide on the provisional affiliation and disaffiliation of members, informing the General Assembly during its next session.
- To submit amendments to the CISS Statute and the regulations of its organs to the General Assembly, accompanying the corresponding opinions.
- To approve and totally or partially reform the regulations of the CISS organs.
- To annually approve the budget for each organ, and its modifications, as well as the balance and account of income and expenses of the CISS.
Currently, the Standing Committee is integrated as follows:
- President: Zoé Robledo Aburto, Mexican Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social.
- Vice-President: José Bernardo Pineda Jurado, Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social
- Vice-President: María Fernanda Raverta, Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social de la Argentina.
- Vice-President: Narlon Gutierre Nogueira, Secretário de Previdência da Secretaria Especial de Previdência e Trabalho do Ministério da Economía.
- Sub-Region I: Andean, Jorge Madera Castillo, Presidente del Consejo Directivo, Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social
- Sub-Region II: Central America, Vilma C. Morales Montalván, Instituto Hondureño de Seguridad Social
- Sub-Region III: Southern Cone, Rogerio Nagamine Costanzi, Ministério da Economia – Secretaria Especial de Previdência e Trabalho – Secretaria de Previdência
- Sub-Region IV: North America and the Anglo Caribbean, Timothy A. Hodge, Social Security Board, Anguila
- Sub-Region V: Mexico and the Latin Caribbean, Jesús Otamendiz Campos, Ministerio del Trabajo y Seguridad Social, Cuba
- Representante de Miembros Asociados, Héctor Santana Suárez, Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado, México
- Secretary-General: Alvaro Velarca Hernández
- Comptroller: Nicolas Starck Aguilera
- Director of the CIESS: Daisy Corrales Díaz