Framed by the covid-19 pandemic context, the role of the CISS becomes particularly important in aiding to build resilience in the region through communication and work channels regarding social security.
The liaison and cooperation efforts led by the Secretariat General and the CIESS, are aimed to overcome the straining circumstances the pandemic has imposed on the region. Such efforts have contributed to the discussion about sustainability, inclusion and improvement of social protection and security for the region.
Currently the CISS is undergoing a transition process to recover the position it held in the continent as a meeting point for members and a training center for their personnel, on one hand, and on the other, a promoter of public policy to enhance social protection for vulnerable people in the Americas.
For this reason, the Conference has relaunched its liaisons both with its members and with non-affiliates, within its host country and other countries and territories of the region.
The Secretariat General aims to consolidate the CISS as the leading organization and to place it as an international reference for protection and social security issues. This project can and will be achieved through international cooperation, technical assistance, and generation of knowledge.
In this respect, the CISS acts as a catalyst for the region, for it invests in research and professionalization to provide its members with tools for the implementation of public policies to address their issues. This is particularly relevant within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, that provides a myriad of new challenges.
Thus, to the Conference, international cooperation consists of efforts carried out by two or more countries to achieve common objectives, when their preferences are, if not identical, not irreconcilable. This last point represents fertile ground for the Conference, that acts without the constraints of an agenda imposed from within, but on the contrary, works with the flexible and receptive intention to tend to the region’s needs.