The Inter-American Conference on Social Security acknowledges de importance of having information systems to guide the design, implementation, and assessment processes of social security public policies in the American continent.
We present the Social Security Monitor for the Americas (SSMoA), with the main objective of contributing to tracking and documenting the development of social security systems in the American continent, through a platform that compiles, integrates, and disseminates strategic indicators.
The indicators are presented in an accessible and manageable platform that enables the user to interact with the data through charts, data tables, and maps. The platform consists of two sections: the first section offers a comparative analysis by country, year, and subregion of the ICSS, of the selected indicator; the second section analyses the indicator for each subregion of the ICSS, using weighted averages, calculated according to the population of each country.
This version of the Monitor includes demographic, health, labor market, and social security indicators, obtained from the data repositories of the Inter-American Development Bank, the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the United Nations (UN).
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