The technological development of recent decades has provided economic and social advantages to the world. Nevertheless, these advantages are accompanied by an increased risk regarding labor and rights. Among the impacts the labor market has endured due to the technological development of recent years are:
Automation/artificial intelligence replacing humans with computers/robots/algorithms.
Digitalization enabling remote work.
Digital platforms making the connection between supply and demand for goods and services more efficient.
These changes have the potential to steer work towards activities of higher added value, increasing the production and distribution of goods and services. However, they have also accelerated some trends that compromise the working conditions of those in sectors linked to these technological changes, such as:
Displacement of low-skilled labor with a consequent low reemployment rate or reemployment in worse conditions.
Concealment of labor subordination relationships resulting in exclusion from social security.
This section of the Observatory analyzes the challenges posed by new forms of employment for the full exercise of the human right to social security. Additionally, it aims to identify and promote the most relevant models for regulating these activities, contributing to the formulation of regulations and policies to ensure the rights of people employed in the sector.
For the moment, the documents are only available in Spanish
In this site, you will find data, research, and events conducted by the ICSS for these populations.