Portal integrado de datos

Social Security Monitor for the Americas (SSMoA)

Slide down to learn about this initiative and to discover other materials from the Inter-American Conference on Social Security (IACSS) on the subject.

Data portal

For the moment, the documents are only available in Spanish

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Description of the SSMoA

It is of vital importance to have information systems that guide the design, implementation, and evaluation of public policies in the field of social security in the Americas.

The IACSS has developed the Social Security Monitor for the Americas (SSMoA, or MoSSA by its Spanish acronym), with the aim of contributing to the monitoring and documentation of social security systems through a platform that collects, integrates, and disseminates strategic indicators in the field. In addition, the SSMoA interface allows the interaction with graphs, data tables, and maps.

We have included indicators on different variables, such as  demographic, health, labor market, and social security. The data was obtained at the information repositories of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the United Nations (UN).

This platform allows the user to have a descriptive analysis by country, year, and subregion, according to the selected indicator.

To perform comparative analysis of the indicators according to the IACSS subregions, through weighted means calculated based on the population of each country, you can access the membership version here.


Consulta las fichas que describen los resultados del MoSSA por país:


Texto descriptivo


For the moment, the documents are only available in Spanish
